Fan art, gift art, and sketches by me
Fanart I made for Kirb at Just Another Escape.
Guest strip from the author of Plotless Violence.
Giftart from Toxic of Zombie High.
Giftart from Phil of The Volet.
Giftart picture from Ruxen of The Crow: Alicesynage.
Fanart picture for Orion of Beyond Reality.
Fanart picture for Ly of Loonie Bin.
Chibi picture of little kid me, done by me.
Backgrounds I used for filler during Easter weekend:1-2
Filler pic featuring Elisa
Filler pic featuring Samantha
Filler pic featuring Brooke
My banner ad.
Gift art to Kisai for fixing Keenspace!Link
Picture of Jeremy dressed like Kabuto from Naruto! Link
A submission to How Not to Run a Webcomic
Another submission to How Not to Run a Webcomic How not to introduce your characters.
I got some fanart from my secret santa, D. Kroulek. Go check out their site!
I sketched this one out a couple weeks ago. Its Haruka of course, but from a couple years ago...
Birthday gift art I did for Kisai
Guest comic I did for Jamie and Nick
If anyone can see this, please email me! or visit my Forum.
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